Configure Elastic

Logstash pipeline from Elastic Search to AWS S3

Follow the steps below to add a Logstash integration and configure it to move events from Elastic Search to AWS S3.

Add Logstash Integration

  1. Click on the search bar on the top of the page of your Elastic console and search for Logstash. Click on the Logstash integration.

    Search logstash
  2. To add your first integration, click on Install Elastic Agent

    Install agent
  3. Follow the steps as shown on the page Install Elastic Agent. If using linux tar, copy the commands from the Linux Tar tab, and paste it on the machine on which you want to install elastic agent.

    Download tar

    Note: Elastic Agent will be installed at /opt/Elastic/Agent

    You will get a confirmation when the agent enrollment is confirmed:

    Agent confirmed
  4. Click on Add the integration button, and then click on Confirm incoming data

    Agent confirmed
  5. Now on the machine where the elastic agent is installed, install logstash. Refer the documentation for the same.

Create Role for configuring Logstash

  1. To create a Role. Open the left panel and expand Management, and click on Stack Management

    Stack Management
  2. Again, on the left panel, find the section Security, and click on Roles. On the Roles page, click on Create role button.

  3. Referring to the authorization required for the role used by the elasticsearch input plugin. Give a name to the role you want to create and add the following privileges:

    Cluster privileges:Select monitor privilege.

    Index privileges:Under Indexes, select the index you want to give permission to. (Assuming that an Index is already created). Add read privilege to corresponding to the index.

    Click on Create role to create the role.

    Create role

Create User for configuring Logstash

  1. To create a User. Open the left panel and expand Management, and click on Stack Management

    Stack Management
  2. Again, on the left panel, find the section Security, and click on Users. On the Users page, click on Create user button.

  3. Add necessary details to create User

    Create user
  4. Under privileges section. Select the role that was created in previous step.

    Select role
  5. Click on Create user to create the user. Keep note of the Username, and Password for the User.

Configure Logstash

Once the installation of Logstash is complete. Follow the instructions below to configure Logstash.

  1. Install necessary plugins for Logstash. Required input plugin is elasticsearch, and output plugin is s3

    Navigate to Logstash installation directory:

    $ cd /usr/share/logstash

    Install the required plugins:

    $ sudo bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-input-elasticsearch
    $ sudo bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-output-s3
  2. Create configuration file

    $ sudo nano /etc/logstash/conf.d/logstash.conf
  3. Add the following configuration to the configuration file created. Replace your_index_name with the index of the alerts generated from a rule.

    input {
        elasticsearch {
            hosts => "http://elastic-localhost:9200" # Replace with your Elasticsearch host
            index => "your_index_name" # Replace with your index name
            user => "your_username" # Replace with your Elasticsearch username created
            password => "your_password" # Replace with your Elasticsearch password
            schedule => "* * * * *" # Schedule to run every minute
            size => 500 # Number of documents to fetch per run
            scroll => "5m" # Scroll context time
            docinfo => true
        output {
        s3 {
            access_key_id => "your_access_key_id" # Replace with your AWS Access Key ID
            secret_access_key => "your_secret_access_key" # Replace with your AWS Secret Access Key
            region => "your_region" # Replace with your AWS region, e.g., "us-east-1"
            bucket => "your_bucket_name" # Replace with your S3 bucket name
            prefix => "your_folder_prefix/" # Optional, specify the folder prefix in the bucket
            time_file => 5 # Number of minutes before creating a new file in S3
            size_file => 10485760 # Size in bytes before creating a new file in S3 (10MB)
            codec => "json_lines" # Format of the output file

    To get the index of the alerts for a rule. You may open an alert details, and click on JSON tab. The field value _index is the index of the alert.

    get index

Note: For more information on the elasticsearch input plugin, click here. For more information on the s3 output plugin click here

Start Logstash

Start Logstash with the configuration file you created.

$ sudo systemctl start logstash

Check the status to ensure Logstash is running correctly

$ sudo systemctl status logstash

Optional Steps:

Monitor Logstash Logs:Logs can be found in the /var/log/logstash/ directory. Use these logs to troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Test Logstash Configuration:

Check Logstash Configuration Syntax. The following command will check the configuration file for syntax errors.

$ sudo /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash --config.test_and_exit -f /etc/logstash/conf.d/logstash.conf

If there are no errors, you will see a message indicating that the configuration is OK.

Verify Data Flow

  1. Run Logstash in the Foreground

    Run Logstash in the foreground to observe its behavior and debug any issues. This will also allow you to see the logs in real-time.

    $ sudo /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash -f /etc/logstash/conf.d/logstash.conf
  2. Verify the that data is being written to your specified S3 bucket. You should see files being created in the bucket, following the configuration specified in logstash.conf.

    Select role