AWS Deployment

Setup Lambda repository

  1. Navigate to the AWS console, and select CloudShell at the bottom left of the console. Open the cloud shell in the region you want to deploy.

  2. Store the AWS Account ID, and ECR repository name to environment variable in cloud shell.

    $ export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query "Account" --output text)
    # Replace value with ECR repository name you want to give
    $ export REPO_NAME="cypienta-vrl-lambda"
  3. Pull the Cypienta VRL Lambda image from the AWS public repository using the following command.

    $ docker pull
  4. Once the image pull is completed, create an ECR repository to push the Cypienta VRL Lambda image.

    $ aws ecr create-repository --repository-name ${REPO_NAME}
  5. After successfully create ECR repository, you can navigate to ECR private repository to view the responsitory you just created.

    lambda ecr repo
  6. Run the following commands to push the image to ECR repository.

    $ export ECR_URI="${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}.dkr.ecr.${AWS_REGION}"
    $ aws ecr get-login-password --region ${AWS_REGION} | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin ${ECR_URI}
    $ docker tag ${ECR_URI}/${REPO_NAME}:v0.1
    $ docker push ${ECR_URI}/${REPO_NAME}:v0.1
  7. Copy the ECR Image URI and make a note of it to use in CloudFormation template

    $ echo ${ECR_URI}/${REPO_NAME}:v0.1

Deploy resources using the Cloud Formation template

  1. Clone the Github repo

    $ git clone -b v0.7


    This command will clone the repository and checkout the branch v0.7

  2. Navigate to the AWS console, and search for CloudFormation.

  3. Click on Stacks on the left hand side panel, and click on Create stack dropdown. Select With new resources (standard) to start creating a stack

    Subscribe to technique detector
  4. For the Prerequisite - Prepare template section, select Choose an existing template, and then select Upload a template file. It will enable a Choose file button. Click on the button to upload the template. The template is present in the root directory of Lambda repository you have cloned. Then click on Next.

    Subscribe to technique detector
  5. Now you can input all the parameters needed for the cloud formation stack. A few parameters are already filled in with default recommended values. You can change the values as required.

    Give a name to the stack in Stack name.

    Fill in the following parameter values as they require user input:

    BucketName: The name of S3 bucket that you want to create. (required to change as the current value populated may not be valid). Follow these rules for naming a bucket. Constraint of the bucket name by AWS is that the bucket name must be globally unique. So note that your cloud formation stack may fail if the name provided is already taken. You can see the failure reasons by clicking on the stack that was created and clicking on the Events tab.

    TechniqueModelARN: The ARN of the subscribed model package for ATTACK Technique detector. Use version 0.4 Product ARN for the region in which CloudFormation stack is created.

    ClusterModelARN: The ARN of the subscribed model package for Temporal Clustering. Use version 0.6 Product ARN for the region in which CloudFormation stack is created.

    FlowModelARN: The ARN of the subscribed model package for MITRE flow detector. Use version 0.6 Product ARN for the region in which CloudFormation stack is created.

    SuperuserEmail: The email for admin user for UI

    SuperuserUsername: The username of the admin user for UI

    SuperuserPassword: The password of the admin user for UI

    WebContainerImage: The container image of the subscribed marketplace UI product with tag market*. The Web container image noted in the section subscribe.

    NginxContainerImage: The container image of the subscribed marketplace UI product with tag nginx-market*. The Nginx container image noted in the section subscribe.

    VRLLambdaImage: The container image of the VRL Lambda that was pushed to ECR private repository in Setup Lambda repository

    The constraints for choosing the Cpu and Memory for the cluster can be found here

    Recommended value for parameter ChunkSize is below 100000.


    ChunkSize: The size of a single chunk that will be processed at a time for an input file uploaded to S3.

  6. Click on Next after adding the parameters.

  7. On the page Configure stack options, under the section Stack failure options, select Roll back all stack resources for Behaviour on provisioning failure. Select Delete all newly created resources for Delete newly created resources during a rollback. And then click on Next.

  8. Now in the Review and create page, you can review your parameters. At the bottom of the page, select all checkboxes for I acknowledge… and click on Submit. This will start creating the required resources.

  9. You can monitor the events of the cloud stack by clicking on the recently created cloud stack and going to the Events tab.

  10. Once the cloud stack is completed successfully. You can start using the products.

Now all your resources are ready to be used.

You may now go to the step End to End Test to start testing your application.